For so many reasons I had to put my Etsy shop on long vacation last year and I think it was enjoying itself. I went into it today to extract it from the beach and I don’t think it wanted to play (various new things on Etsy since I was last in there, has taken me a while to find my way around again!). But we are back in action and one sale already which has made my day on this cold and damp winter Monday.
I really must be better about this this year, and have made a pledge to myself that at least 25% of glass that I make before Easter will go into the Etsy shop and then after that (and things get busy with markets and my various outlets after Easter) I shall do my best to get at least 10% of pieces made listed on-line. It just can take time to take good photos (a nightmare today in the gloom, as photos should be taken in natural light but today of course there is very little so I had to resort to the lights on and in one case using the flash) and then to list and do the descriptions, but it is worth it and good to be able to supply my lovely customers who cannot get down to the South West to buy.
So here’s a link to the shop (there are several links and an Etsy shop page on this website now) if you fancy a look. I post anywhere in the world 🙂 🙂
Hope everyone is keeping warm and dry in the Northern Hemisphere and those currently enjoying summer I hope it isn’t too hot 😉 🙂